About Us

We share the frustration of many American’s who want to do something to clean up our government and rid it of the evil forces that have somehow managed to infiltrate and are attempting to hijack, liberty, equality and justice for all.

Help us fight back against the forces of darkness and demented ideologies that are mocking and attempting to destroy the very things that have made America the most powerful country in the world. No country or government is perfect but we honestly believe that America is the best the world has and we are determined to save America from destruction. America was founded on the ideal that we were all created equal and should be free from government tyranny, oppression, mind control and dysfunction in order to unlock our full potential as human beings to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness both collectively, peacefully but most importantly on our own individual terms with as little interference from government as possible. We know that we can never be truly free if we allow our government to morph into an overbearing “big brother” that uses force of law to tell us what to do, what to think and how to feel. Past and present forms of government have failed and continue to fail in comparison to the United States the further they deviate from personal Liberty and Justice (Click Here To Learn More).

… We the People, Defend Liberty and Justice, Our Citizens and our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.
… We implement and execute programs to solve problems that threaten Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness of our Citizens.
… Investigate government, politicians, bureaucracies and bureaucrats
… We expose corrupt politicians, and bureaucrats and work to remove them from public service by any and all legal means.
… We cooperate with honest to government officials whenever we can find them.
… We come up with solutions to fix broken government and work with those rare honest government officials to implement solutions.
… Keep the public informed of who the crooked officials are and ask people not to vote for them.
… We work to educate youth and people of all ages about why the United States really is special and about who and what really are the enemies of the US.
… We have fun doing our serious work.

…We are not limited or bound by the same restrictions and constraints of government investigators.
…We ask the general public for help and involve our fellow Citizens in our work. We start almost every investigation with a request to the general public for information about bad actors and situations.
…We put out bounties and rewards for information that leads to the resignation and/or arrest and conviction of crooked elected officials and bureaucrats.
…We encourage, support, protect and reward whistle blowers.
…We create simple laws to solve obvious problems and monitor their status until they become law. The laws we create make sense and are so simple that almost every American understands and supports and we provide those as Bills to Congress for review and passage using a proprietary technique that ensures passage of the Bill into law with minimal changes and without “pork” or self serving political addendum’s attached to the bill by other self-serving politicians.
…We educate people about our findings through media campaigns, events, film, music and other events.
…We engage in for-profit businesses that assist us in creating a stream of revenue to ensure our important work is self sustainable.

Today the very notion of “American Values” appears to be a subject of debate. For the sake of clarity and so that people can easily understand who we are we provide the following list of some of the core values of the creators of Oversight By The People:

1. Citizens must be allowed to perform their own investigations into the Government and Citizens must be involved in the Oversight of Government in order to keep fraud and corruption at their lowest levels.
2. All People are created with equal value and we should all do our best to treat each other with dignity, respect. caring and compassion particularly when we disagree with each others points of view. We believe in judging people by the content of their character and not based on the color of their skin, gender or ethnicity. We must treat all people, even our enemies with as much Love and Compassion as we can at all times. We are against voting for people because they are male or female or because they are of any particular skin color or ethnicity because doing so is the embodiment of racism and the practice has continually lead our country down the wrong path in past elections with negative results that can be seen today.
3. People are imperfect, including ourselves and as such we must be able to forgive ourselves and forgive each other and love ourselves and each other in order to live in peace with each other and reach our fullest potential individually and collectively.
4. People have the right to speak freely without being intimidated or physically harmed in any venue as long as they are not causing physical harm themselves or disrupting or disturbing the peace. People need to be able to speak freely even when we disagree with them or even find them hurtful because history has shown that outlawing free speech undermines the transmission of potentially life saving ideas from one person to others. Without free speech our modern day scientists and profits can not have open debates and do not have the ability to warn people when actual danger exists from wrong thinking or to inform each other of new and so called, “disruptive” solutions when they become available that can help everyone.
5. We believe that people have the right to wear whatever cloths make them happy so long as they do not physically harm other people.
6. People have a right to support whatever candidates they like without being threatened with violence.
7. People have the right to live their lives without the government telling them how they should think, feel and act.
8. The :Justice System” should not be used as a weapon to persecute innocent people.
9. We are against the degradation and Cultural Misappropriation of the Republic of the United States and it’s symbols including the Constitution, Flag and Declaration of Independence by any people and in particular those who hate the United States and it’s Citizens. We believe that the Republic of the United States which is based on the U.S. Constitution and embodied in the Declaration of Independence remains the most method of government that has been implemented to date. We acknowledge that the U.S. Government has been used for good and for bad purposes by the Politicians, Officers, Judges and Bureaucrats and even by some Citizens in the past and mistakes are still being made both knowingly and unknowingly. We believe that the misuse and failures that have occurred in relation to the Republic of the United States is a direct result of the imperfections of the people who run the Government and it’s Citizens and it is not the fault of the the foundations and principals of Liberty and Justices or the Constitution which is meant to guide us and which represents moral and worthy ideals and ideas, including unity, peace and love that all U.S. Citizens must strive at all times to achieve as best we can individually and collectively. For these all of these reasons and more we are against people hating on the symbols of the United States, because represent ideals such as Equality (Unity), Liberty (Freedom) and Justice (Fairness) which are all praiseworthy, good things that should not be burned, spat on, knelt against or disrespected in any way, particularly because so many people gave their lives in defense of those principals.
10. We believe we should avoid asking the government to fix problems whenever possible and attempt to use our own individual and collective imaginations and our own resources to create solutions independently. Government is important and it is necessary but government is not God. Government is not an answer to all of our problems and it must be monitored, limited and made to interfere with people as little as possible. The very structure and purpose of government is not suited to creating solutions because it’s job is to govern, i.e. restrict and protect not create. The more people ask of an organization that is not designed to create new inventions the more we will experience failure, discontent and in some cases oppression. Many problems that are being discussed today, including income inequality and health care are mistakenly attributed to be under the exclusive control and authority of the Government when they are not. Even problems such as income in equality, taxation and cost effective health care can and are being solved in the private sector today. Government has a role to play in all of these issues as well but we should strive to keep it to a minimum.

The United States is a unique example of a government based on personal Liberty and Justice and Judaeo-Christian values that has and continues to prove it’s value through the spirit of it’s people and by inventions, innovations, it’s financial strength, it’s commitment to peace through strength. Unfortunately many people in the US who are unhappy with their own lives which leads many to look to Europe for examples of what they consider to be “more ideal” governments that provide more services and benefits for their people. What people who praise other government in the world fail realize is that the benefits they reference often come with extraordinary sacrifices in Liberty (Freedom), taxation, quality and individual motivation.

We believe that there is no better form of government in the world at the moment then the United States. We love and respect all people of all peace loving countries however we also believe that any greatness that has been achieved by European countries has happened and continues to happen in large part because of the financial strength of the U.S. which saved and rebuilt many of the countries in Europe and Asia during and after World War II and continues to do so today. It’s the financial investment into the U.S. military that has protected the countries of our allies in the EU and Asia from aggression and enabled them to spend their resources on social programs most of which are not actually succeeding but are failing as demonstrated by visible and violent protests. Unrest and unhappiness with governments in Europe demonstrates that every country has major problems with their forms of government including, the UK (example, Brexit), France (example, Yellow Vest Protests), Sweden (example, “Dying To Be Multicultural”), Greece (example, Complete Financial Collapse).

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